Sunday, 6 October 2019

House Performance 2019

The first weekend, as ever, was dominated by the House Performance Competition. Teaming up with the boys from Hall, Fonthill girls from all year groups prepared Elton John's 'I'm Still Standing' - learning the lyrics and the dance moves choreographed by Head of House, Minnie. Rehearsals went well, despite many of the Upper Sixth leaders of the house suffering from having celebrated an 18th birthday the night before! Meanwhile, a more select group prepared for the ensemble piece: this year 'Sweet Caroline' performed by a wide array of instrumentalists and vocalists. 

Everyone enjoyed the evening's performance, and put their all into getting a win for the house. In a close competition however, the judges ruled that School and Upper's performance was just a bit more 'polished', and Fonthill and Hall were narrowly in second place therefore. This was also true of the ensemble, who narrowly lost out to Summerhill and Middle. 

Back at the house, everyone agreed that the result was a fair one, especially since School and Upper won for the first time in 17 years! The most used words to describe the event were 'fun' and 'enjoyable' - house spirit already strong, even at the beginning of the academic year!

Rehearsals well underway ...

… and choreography coming together

The ensemble group perform 'Sweet Caroline'

Hall and Fonthill give it their all for 'I'm Still Standing'!