Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Fonthill Fairies fly round House Cross Country course!

Fonthill girls couldn't have asked for better weather for the annual end of term House Cross Country event!
Congratulations to Esmee and Ellie coming 2nd and 8th respectively in the Senior race, and to Chiara, Ella and Louise for coming 3rd, 4th and 7th respectively in the Year 9 & 10 race.
Fonthill Fairies preparing for take-off!

Dynamic duo - Cat and Eloise

Pre-race excitement for Pili and Medha

Pre-race apprehension for Issy and Fiona?!

Pre-race confidence for Louise and Zoe!

On your marks, get set...go!!

Ella still looking fresh as a daisy at the finishing line

Louise following close on Ella's heels