Thursday, 13 December 2018

Slip, slip, sliding on the ice...

This year, actually, there was more gliding than sliding as the weather was very kind for our annual trip to Bath's outdoor ice rink for our end of term House entertainment with Hall House. Everyone loved the extended rink and worked up an appetite for the hot chocolate and hot dog afterwards!

Sunday, 9 December 2018

Festive Fun and Secret Santa!

Christmas foods and crackers on Saturday night, folllowed by Secret Santa on Sunday evening helped the party atmosphere in Fonthill as we head into the last week of term...!

Fonthill elves busy at work...

It's that time of the year when the Fonthill elves go into overdrive tying personalised messages onto candy canes. As in previous years, this is a very popular and wonderfully well supported fundraising activity. This year all funds raised will be split between two charities - Restart Centre in Kenya where we continue to sponsor Kelvin and Ken through their secondary education, and mental health charity Mind.

Boarders' Sports Hall Activities

Whatever the weather, there's always something to keep boarders busy and having fun at weekends, and this weekend was no exception with a range of indoor activities including badminton and climbing!

Saturday, 1 December 2018

Christmas is coming...

We all love the weekend of the Year 10 and 11 ball as it marks the start of the Christmas season when all the decorations are unpacked!

Relaxing (or not!) over a tense game of Jenga after tree decorating!

Year 10 & 11 Ball

This weekend, it was the turn of the Year 10s and 11s to dress up for their annual Christmas ball. With a raffle, entertainment and disco, much fun was had by all!

Friday, 23 November 2018

Sixth Form Charity Dinner

Sixth form students dressed up to hear about and celebrate all the fundraising done by each House, both this year and historically. Over a delicious dinner courtesy of the Catering department, they listened to presentations by each Head of House about chosen charities and fundraising activities, and enjoyed performances from a range of musicians including 3 Fonthill singers - Daisy, Molly and Zoey!

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Hockey Happiness!

Fonthill girls in both Years 9 and 10 have been celebrating this week with victories in House matches. A combination of skill, determination, competitiveness and House spirit enabled them to win overall and particular congratulations must go to Year 10 girls as this is the second year in succession that they have held high the House Hockey trophy!!!

Congratulations to Year 9 players and cheerleaders!

Congratulations on a second successive win!
Time to celebrate!