Sunday, 5 February 2017

Bake Off Success!

Fonthill's successful streak continued over the weekend as Menina and Alix won the Year 9 to 11 category of the Bake Off competition! Their melting iceberg was very appropriate for the theme of Sustainability and, according to 'Mary Berry' and 'Paul Hollywood', the sponge itself was light and airy, and much enjoyed after judging by all Fonthill boarders!

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Pizza Night!

There was a buzz in the kitchen on Saturday night as girls made their own pizzas - flour dust filled the air as some kneaded the dough whilst others chopped up a wide range of toppings.  With only a couple of ovens, it took a while to enjoy the fruits of their labour, but they all agreed it was worth the wait!

Senior Netball Success!

Congratulations to our Seniors for winning the fiercely competitive House Netball competition on Saturday.  All matches were incredibly closely fought, with a very high standard of play, but thanks to a combination of extreme energy, endless effort, enthusiastic House spirit (and Ennea's exceptional height advantage!), Fonthill A team managed to beat both School and Summerhill girls.

Congrats to the A Team!

Equally impressive B Team!

Just how tall are you, Ennea?!