Thursday, 15 December 2016

Slip, slip sliding all over the ice!

By popular request, we returned to Bath's outdoor ice rink for our Christmas House Entertainment and were spoilt with the perfect weather - crisp and dry!

Rupert didn't take to skating at all! He was very frightened by all the noise!

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Secret Santa visits Fonthill!

Presents gathered gradually under the Christmas tree in Fonthill and by Monday evening there was a present from a 'secret Santa' for everyone! There was a wonderful 'Christmassy' atmosphere and it was a lovely way to end the term.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Glitz and Glamour at the Year 10 and 11 Ball!

There was much excitement in Fonthill as Year 10 and Year 11 girls dressed up for the eagerly awaited Christmas Ball!  The evening was enjoyed by all, despite some sore feet from high heels and serious dancing!

Friday, 25 November 2016

Sixth Form Dinner

Year 12 and 13 students enjoyed dressing up for the annual Sixth Form Dinner and the presenting of the coveted Dixie awards. Congratulations to Jess who won 'Best Photographer' and to Fiona who was voted the person 'most likely to change the world'!

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Fonthill's successful streak continues...!

Fonthill's successful streak continues thanks to Maddy and Sam winning the annual House Debating Competition. Strong and well informed arguments combined with passionate and powerful delivery won over both the judges and audience in the preliminary round as Maddy and Sam opposed the motion of money damaging sport which secured them a place in the final where they again, very confidently, opposed the motion, this time that the Internet has done more harm than good.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

International Evening!

Fonthill celebrated International Week by hosting an International Evening with presentations from girls from  over 10 different countries including Hong Kong, Kenya, China, Nepal, Uganda, Spain, Scotland, Wales, Germany, USA, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Barbados.  Daisy and Bethany treated us to a very informative talk about China which included Daisy singing Chinese opera and Bethany wearing a traditional Chinese dress and holding a hand-painted fan.  Sabrina, Eloise and Menina told us about typical Kenyan fabrics and food, and handed round hand-made chappatis, while Alix talked us through the significance of the colours and symbols in the Kenyan flag before Tiva introduced us to the Masai Mara tribe. Martina amazed us with her stories about Spain's tradition of bull fighting and there were gasps from the audience as a graphical youtube video illustrated the danger of the sport for both animal and spectator. 

It was fascinating to hear so many facts and figures from such a wide range of countries and cultures, and have the opportunity to hear about traditions and try national foods!  

Tyana, Christy, Janice and Nicole gave us a taster of a typical Hong Kong rice dish
Alix explained the significance of the colours and symbols in the Kenyan flag
Bethany in her traditional Chinese dress with hand painted fan (painted by  her!)

Ritika showing us a traditional Nepalese skirt worn by her mother at her engagement party

Isha about to share her hand-made traditional Ugandan pancakes

Lillie informing us about her family's Scottish clan and Jess describing differences between Wales and England

Martina talking about history of Spanish bull fights

Jo and Maddy informing the audience about life in the USA

Patricija and Uliana about to share their hand-made porridge

Natalie teaching the audience a few Czech words!

Louise informing the audience about the meaning of the Barbados flag

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Rupert relaxing in Fonthill!

Rupert continues to lap up the attention of all the Fonthill girls!  He certainly feels very 'at home' with everyone, and is always a very welcome sight when on duty with Miss Brookes!